Gen Zers And Millennials Are Calling Out “Toxic” Gen X Trends, And I Audibly Gasped After Reading These

“Gen X’ers are worse than boomers now.”

People have called out the most toxic boomer, millennial, and Gen Z trends — but according to the internet, Gen X can be pretty toxic as well. Here are just some “toxic” Gen X things that they’re pointing out:


Creating a toxic work environment:

It’s not that “no one wants to work” it’s that millennials and zoomers refuse to be both underpaid AND work in a toxic environment. Gen x can’t grasp this because they let themselves be walked over for the last 30+ years as a worker

06:19 PM – 19 Oct 2021

Twitter: @TemperanceAlden


Believing all kinds of working hours should be a norm:

Boomer boss: Sure I’ll provide a reference. Glad you know it wasn’t personal when I threw that chair. Just how it goes sometimes. Anyway this has been fun stay in touch call me if you need anything ever

Gen X: I have reported your toxic behavior of not working weekends to HR

04:54 PM – 16 Jan 2021

Twitter: @neoliberal_dad


Always complaining about being left out:

I know Gen X are feeling left out by not getting made fun of by younger generations, so here’s one:
Oooo, I’m a Gen Xer I love R.E.M. Out of Time would be a perfect album if it weren’t for “Shiny Happy People.”

07:48 PM – 16 Jun 2020

Twitter: @loganbonner


Like, being left out is a personality trait:

Gen X complains a lot about being erased and ignored but I feel like maybe you guys don’t *really* want the level of scrutiny other generations get…

03:27 PM – 23 Mar 2021

Twitter: @LuxAlptraum


And apparently, causing MORE damage than boomers:

@a_centrism I hate Gen X more than Boomers. Boomers were handed unprecedented wealth and prosperity on a platter and we expected them to do what was right and prudent. They failed. But Gen X took everything their parents hadn’t already wrecked by accident and finished the job with purpose

06:54 PM – 28 Nov 2021

Twitter: @Atlanticesque


Being passive aggressive online:

the gen x urge to start posting all my grievances on facebook and saying shit like “Let’s just say… you know who you are. 😒”

08:26 AM – 30 Nov 2021

Twitter: @alex_mccu


Being rude customers:

You know on the whole I hate the generational divide talk, but I will say, that working in customer service I have noticed that gen Z are way more polite than their gen X parents.

05:58 PM – 25 Nov 2021

Twitter: @BenjaminReed22

WELP. Do you agree with these? Let us know in the comments below.