“I just want to spread love and positivity.”
It’s a new year, new Amber Rose apparently.
Yesterday, the actress/model apologized via Instagram story for a comment she made about the Kardashians and Kanye West back in 2015, where she called them the “Kartrashians.”
@kanyewest I’ll leave that up to the Kartrashians to humiliate u when they’re done with u.
@DaRealAmberRose / Via Twitter: @DaRealAmberRose
For context, Amber and Kanye dated for a couple years between 2008 and 2010, and Amber said back in 2012 that Kim was “one of the main reasons” she and Kanye split up.
Michael Loccisano / Getty Images
Amber then began dating Reggie Bush (Kim’s ex) for a minute, before settling down with Wiz Khalifa in 2011. Kim and Kanye began dating in April of 2012.
Anyway, in 2015, Kanye made a comment in an interview about having to “take 30 showers” before he started dating Kim. Naturally, Amber was upset by this comment so she took her anger out on everyone in involved.
Mark Sagliocco / WireImage
Well now, she’s apologizing for her previously “immature” behavior.
“Man, fuck that old ass tweet,” she wrote. “I never got an apology for his ’30 showers’ comment, but fuck it. I started my Slutwalk and helped millions of women around the world stand up for themselves against slut shaming, so something amazing came out of it.”
Prince Williams / WireImage
“Kim, nor her sisters, deserved that tweet and y’all shouldn’t co-sign that either. Shit was old and immature of me to involve the KarDASHians in the mess HE made.”
She added that “moving forward” she’d like to learn from her mistakes. “We all have kids and families. Life is hard enough right now for a lot of people. I just want to spread love and positivity.”
Cheers to spreading love and positivity in 2022!