A Clip From The 80s When Seat Belts Became Mandatory Is Going Viral Proving Once And For All Things Never Change

Some things never change.

Wearing a seat belt in a car is probably one of the least polarizing rules or laws.

Momo Productions / Getty Images

Click it or ticket!!

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Getty Images

But that wasn’t always the case!

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

In the 1980s, states started creating seat belt laws.

Fred Ross / Toronto Star via Getty Images

New York was the first state to require seat belts for front seat drivers in 1984.

Boston Globe / Boston Globe via Getty Images

And New Hampshire is currently the only state with no seat belt rules at all.

Bulgac / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Apparently, it was somewhat of a big deal when states started enforcing these laws.

Emilija Manevska / Getty Images

A clip that first aired on the Daily Show has gone viral and shows people getting very upset about new seat belt laws, one in Florida and one in Michigan.

This clip from the Daily Show of people fighting against seat belt mandates in the 80s is absolutely surreal from start to finish given today’s climate on both masks and COVID vaccines.

12:39 AM – 16 Sep 2021

Twitter: @NumbersMuncher

In the Florida clip, a police officer says people don’t wear seat belts because they are uncomfortable, wrinkle clothes, and aren’t cool.

And, of course, there’s some guy complaining about freedom:

We have this guy saying how everyone is just in “shock” over it.

This guy saying he would boycott the town.

And this guy saying he wouldn’t wear the belt, period.

Sound familiar?

Boston Globe / Boston Globe via Getty Images

People are comparing the clip to 2021 anti-vaxxers.

Nurphoto / NurPhoto via Getty Images

This person compared medics back then to nurses now.

@NumbersMuncher With seat belt laws, people understood that police and medics were tired of scraping people off the pavement. Wish they had the same understanding and compassion for doctors and nurses.

03:46 PM – 16 Sep 2021

Twitter: @Snowshark8

And this person said their father STILL ignores seat belt laws because “you can’t make me do it.”

Can confirm. My biological father (who I do not have a relationship with because of his inability to be flexible in any way imaginable) has always ignored seatbelt laws for the simple reason of “you can’t make me do it”. https://t.co/st3lCiETCF

03:28 PM – 20 Sep 2021

Twitter: @karenlodato

Some things truly never change.

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

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