14 Super Screwed Up Things Doctors Have Actually Said To People


This doctor who told their patient that using a wheelchair was “giving up”:

A doctor once told me that using a wheelchair is “giving up on getting up.”
Using a wheelchair is not
“giving up” on anything.
It’s getting on with getting on.

02:56 PM – 10 Nov 2018

Twitter: @GHMansfield


This doctor who accidentally sent their patient an email that misdiagnosed them with an STI:

it’s almost been two years since a doctor told me i had gonorrhea and then proceeded to tell me “sorry wrong person”

04:40 AM – 03 Nov 2019

Twitter: @itakebitcoin


This doctor who told their patient they shouldn’t have kids because of their illness:

A doctor once told me I shouldn’t have kids because they would inherit my muscle dystrophy.

I have two kids now.

So, fuck that guy.

12:38 AM – 24 Feb 2021

Twitter: @iamharaldur


This doctor who recommended their patient “not have sex anymore” as a solution for painful sex:

when i finally found the courage to tell my doctor that sex was excruciatingly painful, my doctor told me to “not have sex anymore then” https://t.co/UyblcsT8Qn

08:18 PM – 02 Aug 2020

Twitter: @laraeparker


This doctor who told their patient “why bother” getting a diagnosis for an illness with no cure:

Sometimes I lie awake and think about how a doctor told me once “why bother” getting a diagnosis if there’s no cure for it, and I’m thinking about people who might be clinically extremely vulnerable who don’t even know if they are because of a lack of official diagnosis, fun!

11:37 PM – 01 Apr 2021

Twitter: @empathywarrior


This doctor who made a sweeping generalization about children of single parents:

One time a doctor told me that kids raised by single parents have issues in life. I’m starting to feel like it’s true 😭😭!

05:08 AM – 04 Aug 2019

Twitter: @atuhighray


This doctor who prescribed “eating less candy bars” for anxiety:

@WendyMolyneux I went in to see a doctor for anxiety and he told me to eat less candy bars every day. “If you eat two a day, maybe just eat one.” So helpful! LOL.

09:06 PM – 18 Jul 2021

Twitter: @buberella


This doctor who made fun of a 13-year-old for not having sex yet:

@julthulhu Oh man I once had a doctor who “jokingly” derided me for not being sexually active yet….

at the age of 13

02:07 AM – 21 May 2021

Twitter: @The_Starman


This doctor who had the most preposterous advice for a physical pain inquiry:

@asymetricjockey @gibbsy66 I once had a doctor who, when I told him I hurt somewhere when I did something told me, ‘well then don’t do it’.

04:11 PM – 30 Mar 2021

Twitter: @howellnic


This doctor who had the most bizarre excuse for not refilling their patient’s prescriptions:

@kksheehan I once had a doctor who said my 15 minutes were up and he couldn’t go over my medication list and refill them for the coming year. I never saw that doctor again and i complained about him.

10:16 PM – 10 Mar 2021

Twitter: @Marg10001


This doctor who told their patient that made-up pain “is common in females”:

so the doctor told me my pain was all in my head and then told me ‘this is common in females’ big yikes

09:24 AM – 28 Nov 2019

Twitter: @chaoticpunk_


This doctor who accused their patient of faking both ADHD and a concussion:

i once had a doctor who told me i was faking adhd and a concussion (i know, bullshit) and i was like i could never imagine treating my patients like that. ever

02:27 PM – 11 May 2021

Twitter: @luciapasquale06


This doctor who prescribed stretching and to not “stress” before bed for someone suffering with intense insomnia:

i didn’t sleep for 4 days straight this week…an actual issue. the doctor told me to stretch a lil, don’t stress, and light a candle before bed. thanks i’m cured.

02:32 AM – 08 Jun 2019

Twitter: @erikacostell


And finally, this doctor who told their patient they “didn’t look as fat as their weight indicated.”

I once had a doctor who upon entering the room, thought he had the wrong chart because I “didn’t look as fat as my weight indicated.” Pretty sure he thought that was a complement. I had a lung infection and he told me that diet and exercise plus the antibiotic would cure it.

02:24 PM – 03 Mar 2020

Twitter: @manboobwpurpose

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