People Are Comparing The “Omicron Era” Were In To March 2020, And Yup, The Vibes Are Upsettingly Similar

Tom Hanks announcement incoming in 3…2…1….

Well, Omicron has arrived in the US.

David Dee Delgado / Getty Images

A vibe we’ve felt before.

This feels like March 2020 all over again. Knowing that the tidal wave is coming, but not being able to do anything about it. 😓 #Omicron #London #PlagueIsland

10:04 AM – 16 Dec 2021

Twitter: @keith_wilson

If you live in NYC, then you know that the lines for testing have been longer.

Basketball games have been postponed.

The #Nets now have nine players out, seven of them for COVID-19 protocols. They have the minimum eight available, with Kevin Durant now listed as available.

11:33 PM – 14 Dec 2021

Twitter: @NYPost_Lewis

Countries are imposing travel regulations.

France is imposing strict travel restrictions for arrivals from the UK this weekend which is unable to control a sharp rise in Omicron cases.

There are talks of a lockdown in the UK but nothing on cards yet.

Seems like Europe is repeating March 2020 phase

11:01 AM – 16 Dec 2021

Twitter: @mhassankhan06

Holiday parties are being canceled.

just cancelled our work holiday dinner. my partner’s company cancelled theirs earlier today. feels like march 2020 and not like in a cool fun time travel way.

08:06 PM – 13 Dec 2021

Twitter: @harryxallie

Social media is being inundated by people catching COVID.

Someone needs to get me off NYC Covid Cases TikTok cause it’s giving me anxiety like it’s March 2020 all over again

11:17 AM – 16 Dec 2021

Twitter: @Abbyfaith15

And with the holiday season, people are starting to leave the city.

Omicron has landed and everyone I know is scrambling to leave NYC — feels like March 2020 again 😷 🦠

If you don’t know anyone who has it yet, give it 5 days

07:11 PM – 15 Dec 2021

Twitter: @McK_Parks

Ultimately, with all these March 2020 vibes it’s important to remember that we’re in a completely different place!

Thanks to vaccines, therapeutics, antibody prevalence, testing availability, and masking as a familiar social practice we are in much, much better shape than March 2020, and yet it still feels like people haven’t quite internalized the wave we’re probably about to go through.

10:27 PM – 15 Dec 2021

Twitter: @chrislhayes

We actually have tools this time.

it feels like March 2020 but it’s not. we have better tools/science no doubt. and what we really need now is every level of government to work together/collaborate with that same March 2020 energy.

07:00 PM – 15 Dec 2021

Twitter: @drandrewb

There are vaccines.

For those vaccinated but not boosted — and it has been a few months since the last shot

Or for those who recently recovered from infection

That immunity will very likely provide substantial protection against severe illness

The breakthroughs will be common but “mild”

12:51 AM – 13 Dec 2021

Twitter: @ashishkjha

I just wanted to make this post because if you’re feeling these March 2020 vibes you’re not alone.

Twitter: @samprkr