If you don’t do at least 10 of these things, I don’t trust you.
Or retype keyboard smashes or “sjsjsjdjs” because it doesn’t look right:
does anyone else sometimes retype their ‘sjsjdjs’ because the letters didn’t seem to fit that well together or is it just me
Twitter: @regalchim
Hide our undergarments under our clothes at the doctor’s office:
Hmm yes I’m fully aware that the gynecologist is about to look inside my body but I’ll continue hiding my bra and underwear under my folded jeans thank you
Twitter: @SamanthaaaReece
Rewind a song back to the good part because someone talked to us when the best part was playing:
When someone starts speaking to u but u just missed the best part or the song.. https://t.co/YBc9b57m6t
Twitter: @celebrityurban
Start speaking as soon as we sense a sex scene coming on while watching TV with our parents:
my parents me trying to
watching the sex distract them
scene that came by telling them
out of nowhere about my day
Twitter: @cinedilf
Get way too inspired and start planning entire career paths in the middle of the night:
does anyone else get ideas for random career paths that they are in no way qualified for late at night or just me
Twitter: @emilypacifier
Get weird anxiety about going to a new place so you check the new place’s tag on Instagram to see what people are wearing:
Does anyone else go on the location tag on Instagram for the bar/restaurant you’re going to so you can see what everyone else wears to pick your outfit or is it just me hahahaha
Twitter: @sashadeann
Set alarms that are like eight minutes away just to get a few extra minutes of sleep:
Twitter: @ashakiiii
Spend our entire lives deleting emails rather than going through and unsubscribing from lists:
hmm should I spend 2 seconds clicking unsubscribe or 1 second deleting an email from this company every single day for the rest of my life
Twitter: @ben_rosen
Buy a pair of athletic shorts at age 14 and somehow still end up with them 10 years later:
why does no one tell you that when you pick out a pair of athletic shorts from tj maxx at fourteen yrs old, you are in fact making a decision that will last longer than any of your adult relationships
Twitter: @dietz_meredith
Serve as the family’s unofficial IMDb for every time your dad nudges your mom and goes, “where have we seen that actor before?”:
Twitter: @diegosknife
Pull out our phone to do something, then completely forget to do it:
Does anyone else ever pull their phone out to check the time but then have to do it again cuz they forgot to actually look at the clock or am I just stupid
Twitter: @sarahmaloneyxx
Or add “lol” to the end of a serious text so it doesn’t seem *too* serious:
Does anyone else put lol at the end of every sentence just to make sure you don’t sound too serious or rude? lol
Twitter: @RawBeautyKristi
Save our appetite (probably too much) because we’re SO excited for a certain meal:
Does anyone else purposely not eat for ages when you know your getting a takeaway or going for dinner later so that you can be starving to get the maximum level of enjoyment when eating it ? or am I just weird :/
Twitter: @jessfraserr1
Stalk ourselves on Instagram after a crush or someone new follows us:
does anyone else stalk through their own insta when someone new follows u so you can see exactly what they’re seeing??
Twitter: @JessBelll1
Get curious about a scary movie but get too scared to watch it, so just look up the plot on Wikipedia:
Do u ever be like “damn that movie looks crazy. But its too scary.. ill just read the wikipedia.”?
Twitter: @chancetherapper
Get “sun guilt”:
Does anyone else have sun guilt. Like if I’m not sat in the sun on a sunny day I feel so guilty and uncomfortable all day until I cave and sit in the sun lol
Twitter: @megjacks_
Convince ourselves our low balance is a mistake and check all our transactions only to find we’re responsible for every one:
when u look thru ur recent transactions tryin to find a mistake but theres no mistake cus it was u, it was all u
Twitter: @mikewalker3000
And then just lay down in your towel for like an hour after you get out:
i probably have wasted so much time in my life just sitting about naked in a towel after a shower w no motivation
Twitter: @neveeferguson
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