“A juul is just an adult binky.”
This month really flew by, and I can’t believe summer is already coming to an end! But before we head into the fall, take a look at some of the funniest tweets from this August:
i always wonder when everybody became so well-versed in astrology without me. I feel like I missed the bus or sumn. I be seeing people on my tl like “the only thing worse than a Pisces fire fighter is a Capricorn police officer” omg what do that mean ???
Twitter: @earringdealer1
what would your guys height be if it was reversed😭😭😭 id be 3’6😭😭 DID ANYONE HEAR THAT???? IF MY HEIGHT WAS REVERSED I’D BE 3’6😭😭😭 CRAZY RIGHT???
Twitter: @antihemi
two teen girls asked me to take a pic of them & i said sure. then they handed me a disposable camera & then tried to show me how to use it. do not cite the deep magic to me witch. i was there when it was written
Twitter: @sarahndipity18
i was a vaccine checker tonight at my venue and i swear to god i’m not fucking with you, one couple came up to me and asked “vaccine for what”…… WHAT DO YOU MEAN VACCINE FOR WHAT
Twitter: @sarahrxdriguez
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