29 Things That Are Totally Normal To Americans About Halloween That Are Completely Weird To Everyone Else

It’s funny because they’re true.

Halloween is probably the single greatest thing about “American culture.”

And the way Americans celebrate Halloween has become somewhat the envy of people around the world. Seriously.

Americans are so lucky having infinitely better Halloween decor in stores than we do over here. Makes me wanna travel just to stock up. 🎃

12:39 AM – 26 Jul 2019

But there are some things about Halloween that are still confusing to non-Americans, and here are some of my favorite questions non-Americans have asked about the holiday:


out of curiosity, do Americans actually eat pumpkins or they just grow them for halloween? 🤔

09:32 AM – 01 Nov 2018


Why do Americans get photoshoots of themselves hugging pumpkins every autumn y’all are a strange group

10:47 PM – 17 Nov 2019


Do Americans celebrate Halloween the way they do in the movies or is that just a stereotype 🤔?

08:04 PM – 29 Oct 2018


Do Americans on #Halloween really just leave a bowl of sweets on their doorstep and hope for the best?

04:16 PM – 31 Oct 2018


Ok I know I’m not from America and I’ve been in the country for 15 years but do Americans really wish each other happy Halloween??? 🤔🤔

07:18 AM – 31 Oct 2018


Why do Americans love pun Halloween costumes so much? You don’t have to be Kanye Westworld you can just be Kanye West.

11:59 AM – 28 Oct 2018


I’ve always wondered: do americans actually eat all those pumpkins they carve for halloween?

07:21 PM – 08 Oct 2017


Why do Americans start celebrating Halloween in September? Don’t ruin my peaceful leaf month

05:36 PM – 03 Sep 2017


Do these Americans celebs dress up for Halloween to take pics then take the clothes off?

11:51 AM – 01 Nov 2019


Do Americans know that the rest of the world thinks their obsession with pumpkins is a little strange?

05:04 PM – 21 Nov 2019


And last but not least:

wait what does candy corn taste like i’ve never seen or had it why do americans hate it so much

10:04 AM – 13 Sep 2020

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