26 Irrational Fears Every Single Millennial Had As A Kid That Were Actually Completely Harmless

Honestly, I’m still kinda scared.

As kids, we were convinced…


The Bermuda Triangle is not only VERY real, but it will have a VERY big impact on your life:

so did anyone else go through a phase as a kid where u were genuinely concerned ab the bermuda triangle???? 6 y/o me was like bro???? why are we not solving this PROBLEM??

04:03 PM – 08 Nov 2019


Tearing off the mattress tag is a capital offense:

Did anyone else believe as a kid that theyd go to prison or arrested if they ripped the tag off of a pillow or mattress?

02:19 PM – 06 Apr 2020


If you swallow a seed, a plant is going to grow in your body:

Did anyone else have the irrational fear of a watermelon growing in your stomach if you swallowed a seed? I blame that rugrats episode

11:02 PM – 05 Sep 2017

Twitter: @horhey_


Skunks will get you… eventually:

Tv shows as a kid really made getting sprayed by a skunk and having to take a tomato sauce bath seem like a when, not an if

03:25 AM – 17 May 2021

Twitter: @dwzmann


Man-eating plants are going to hunt you down:

when i was a kid i thought that if i put my finger in a venus fly trap i was just gonna straight up lose that finger so i was genuinely scared of them until i was like 12

11:16 PM – 05 Apr 2021

Twitter: @91FLICKERR


Quicksand will be a GIGANTIC issue in your small Northeast town:

did anyone else think as a kid that quicksand was going to be a much more a prevalent issue in life?

07:47 PM – 23 Apr 2020

Alphaspirit / Getty Images


You’re going to accidentally eat silica gel and poison yourself:


A murderer is hiding right behind that shower curtain:


If you don’t think quick you’re going to get your shoe sucked into the escalator:


If you turn on a light in a car, the car will immediately crash:

Why did my momma make me think it was illegal to turn a light on in a car while you were driving throughout my whole childhood

02:32 AM – 06 Feb 2017


Demons will appear if you don’t keep your eyes open in the shower:

Me opening my eyes after washing my hair for .2 seconds cuz i think a demon watching me

01:47 AM – 28 Aug 2016


And demons always come out RIGHT after the light goes out when you’re running up stairs:

Fact: when you are downstairs & you turn all the lights off, there’s a very real possibility a murderer will appear from nowhere & kill you

05:39 AM – 25 Apr 2013

Twitter: @katrinadem90


Meteors will be a MAJOR thing:

I was really concerned about meteors when I was younger. I thought they’d be a bigger problem than they turned out to be.

04:26 AM – 17 Jan 2018


You gotta watch out for booby traps around every corner:

As a kid I thought booby traps were going to be way bigger problem than they turned out to be

02:53 AM – 05 Nov 2015


Someone is always trying to read your mind:


Your face will get stuck like THAT if you keep doing THAT:

Do parents still tell their kids “your face is going to get stuck like that” when they make ugly faces? Or was that only used to traumatize our generation?

04:08 PM – 17 Oct 2018


And so will your eyes:

Did anyone else’s parents used to tell them if you cross your eyes too long they’ll get stuck like that?

04:44 AM – 03 Feb 2018


Gum will never leave your stomach:

did anyone else use to believe that gum would stay in your stomach for 7 years if you swallowed it

pls say yes or i’ll feel weird

03:00 AM – 03 Feb 2019


The moon is following you:

Who else believed that the moon tried to keep up with the car you were in when you were a kid?

07:33 AM – 20 May 2019


One day, you’ll be forced to write in cursive every single day for the rest of your life:

Did anyone else as a kid, believe that when you got older you had to write in cursive all the time?

02:52 AM – 03 Jan 2020


Bugs are gonna climb up in ya:

When you were younger did you fear falling asleep because you thought an earwig may infiltrate your ear, lay eggs in your brain and ultimately destroy you, or were you normal?

03:38 PM – 03 Jan 2021

Twitter: @maryycherryy


Your hand is going to get stuck in this table forever:


And one day, you’ll just randomly blow up:

Did anyone else think spontaneous human combustion would be more of a issue when they were a kid

04:57 PM – 21 Sep 2020

Note: obviously, quicksand, meteors, and freak accidents can be dangerous. This is an entertainment post, not a dissertation, king.

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