How can I drop my daughter to school & there’s another dad here mad confused 🤣🤣 the receptionist asked what year his son is in he doesn’t know. She then asked his age he said 4 or 5 LOOOOOOOOL.
Twitter: @1andonlyGee_
I don’t understand how my mum sees me working from home and somehow interprets it as me not working? just got told to go and clean instead of staring at the computer. cheers mum 👍
Twitter: @zamarudd
i was in aldi earlier & a girl in the middle aisle picked one of these up & was telling her friend that her housemate used one to put tan on??? sorry what?
Twitter: @GeorgiaHH
if you have breasts they tell you a lot of shit abt checking for lumps. they do not tell you that a boob is made of lumps. here i am looking for lumps in the lump factory
Twitter: @uncanny_eli
hey it’s me, a landlord with a twitter account. thanks for the 60% of your wages every month but could you also like me as well please? for some reason it’s very important that you like me
Twitter: @joelgolby
My dad had his van stole from outside our house about 5 years ago and the police done fuck all so still to this day everytime they post on Facebook he comments asking if they’ve found his van yet hahah
Twitter: @_alexoates
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