13 Really Funny Jokes About Skeletons For Spooky Season

Posted 3 minutes ago

There’s something about skeletons that’s inherently funny, and no, I can’t explain it.

I don’t know what it is, but I find skeletons hilarious. Not like, real skeletons, but Halloween skeletons that are a walking collection of bones.

Disney / Via giphy.com

For example, I will never not laugh at this comic from artist Alison Zai.

So since it’s ~spooky season~, here are 13 (natch) jokes about skeletons:


TUESDAY. The day you realize that nothing can stop you, because you are a MAGIC SKELETON packed with MEAT and animated with ELECTRICITY and IMAGINATION. You have a cave in your face full of sharp bones and five tentacles at the end of each arm. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, MAGIC SKELETON

12:34 PM – 14 Aug 2018

Twitter: @ChuckWendig

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